First things First

By Zecharias E. Castro

Prioritize the word or jeopardized the world. Only The Spirit of God does this work. Only The Holy Spirit knows how to bring The Word i.e. The Son of God out of our souls as the Monarch of Care and The Prince of all Comforts.

Not that the Word doesn't come out of our actions to care and give comfort, for we all have to constantly work and always employ ourselves to such tasks. What we all do when we fail to prioritize the Word is bring This Monarch of Care all disrobed or barely dressed in rags for the times of edification. We reserved the Regal Mantle of Gladness, The Splendid Robe of Enthusiasm, The Royal Sandals of Excitement, and the Majestic Gloves of Anticipation to the Word's fewer times of defecation.

When the word in us occupy our minds and hearts in the task of pondering, considering and deciding what concepts, ideas, knowledge, products or services we can bring, He i.e. The Word is doing the work of edification. When we finally get to deliver the concept, idea, knowledge, product or service The Word is doing the work of defecation.

I call the output of our labor the defecation of The Word because The Word can no longer use it to feed our souls with His personality but is rather only useful to the flesh. Just like a human being can no longer use his feces to feed his body because it's only useful to fertilize the ground.

This is precisely the meaning of scripture when it admonishes us to walk in the newness of life. All things are become NEW. When we are meditating, pondering and growing in understanding that's when our souls are being shaped in the celestial character, and our hearts and minds are exercised in the divine concerns. That's when we should dress The Word with the mantle of Gladness, The Splendid Robe of Enthusiasm, The Royal Sandals of Excitement, and the Majestic Gloves of anticipation.

We are admonish in scripture to do whatsoever our hands findeth to do. And to do it with all our might. For What purpose? To discover in our employment or work wisdom, device or knowledge. The opportunities to give our talent and time to help anyone are far more abundant than the occasions to obtain rest and to receive goods from everyone.

The one thing God enjoys more than creating is showing His heart and mind's concerns for His creation. He made the world, therefore, full of opportunities for us to give our time and talent to discover and enjoy in the process His divine concerns.

Every day is an opportunity for us to make our souls be billionaires in the knowledge and understanding of our Maker. As we rise from our beds and shower we can be collecting His Pearls of Wisdom, as we have our breakfast and drive on to work we can be wearing His necklace of truth and dressing our wrist with His bracelet of honor. As we engaged our bodies to work our souls can be collecting His diamonds of Strength, His jewels of courage and persistence and His precious stones of meekness, patience and tolerance. As we drive on home to have our dinner we can be dressing our souls in His fine linen of sweetness and grace and as we fall down on our knees to pray, at the end of the day, our souls can enter His golden chamber of Love.

If you like David consider the Word in you to be more precious than fine gold, then you know already that the Spirit of God is at work in your soul. But if the Word that enables you to care and bring comfort is not being celebrated and enjoyed by your soul, then take note and humbly wait on God's Spirit for if He is not in you to prioritized the Word then you will jeopardized the world.

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