The Love of God is far more stronger than death because it doesn't just stop us from living for ourselves, like death does, but makes us be born in the will of God to live for the physical and spiritual well-being of our fellowmen. The greatest show of love involves death to self. We managed to give the best representation of love by suffering violence and opposition while we care for this world.

People, on a daily basis, should therefore strive to accomplish a righteous suicide to the notion of living for themselves. He that dies daily to his own concerns does it because he shows he's got life to give to all. He that daily seeks to get a bite out of life or seeks for his own good out of this life shows that he is full of death therefore he gives death to all.

God can only give therefore we also can only give. God with words brings life he speaks and creation is brought forth and is maintained in existence He can also speak and any part of creation that He no longer wants it to continue perishes and ceases to be. Since God gives life or death by words. We as the carriers of words therefore are the channels through which God gives life or death to this world. We are either giving life to the world by daily losing all we have such as our treasure, time, talent and even physical health in order to leave this world better off than when we came into existence or we are giving death, decay and destruction by daily using, wasting or abusing people, places and things leaving behind us a bigger mess than when we came into existence.

We give life under the awareness that we are dying and we give death under the illusion that we are living.

Sin did not begin by any damaged done to our environment or to our physical bodies but by the damage the misappropriation and misrepresentation of words brought to our soul by leaving our soul alienated from its maker for whom it was made to exists revealing and manifesting his knowledge by what it thinks, feels, says and does daily.

He that willingly gives all his possessions and even his own life exonerates the world of its wantonness because the world can never brag or boast that it had power to take anything away from him since it was he who chose to give it all in the first place. No one took the life of Christ away from Him since he chose to lay it down.

The one that has life has the strength to give what life has empower him to give and does not desire the glory or approval of men to give all it has since his delight is in the word(His Lord) and in beholding what this word does.

He that dies for any cause will always be stronger than all the ones that only live for themselves. Jesus came speaking about how eager we should be to embrace death if we wish to be his followers: If any man will come after me let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me. Whosoever will seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever loses his life for my name sake the same shall find it or keep it. The only thing Jesus guaranteed any of his followers were: persecutions, constant defamation of character. Beatings, humiliations, torments, being set as an outcast by family and religionists, suffering and death.

The Jesus of the scripture did not offer any of his followers a life of abundant physical comfort and of great healings for themselves. They represented God’s abundance of care and cures for all because God was all the care and healing that was needed for themselves. Behold, said Jesus, I send you as sheep to the slaughter. If they persecuted the master they will also persecute his disciple. Even Paul who came after Christ had ascended to heaven agreed with Christ when he wrote: “I die daily”.

Those that are seeking to live do so because they have no life of God in them and so every thing that this world has to offer is defined by them as the “LIFE” that is worth pursuing.

The word makes all of us accomplish the C.E.O.S. (Constant Empowerment Of Souls).

The illusion of getting is made possible by the reality of giving.

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