By Zecharias E. Castro

We are constantly doing this foolish act and don’t even know it. But that shows how spiritually blinded we are. From the moment Adam, through the influence of Satan, convinced himself that what the little one(i.e. man) wants and obtains is more important than what the BIG ONE(i.e. God) says and accomplishes, we have brought that foolish logic to the way we choose to show or represent our love for one another.

We have chosen to use the least and most menial acts that our bodies can do to represent love and the hardest, tiresome and most skillful acts our bodies can be engaged in are used only for the purpose of chauffering or driving around the least that our bodies can do.

The least and most menial acts that our bodies can do, which we have chosen to represent our affection and love, are: hugs, kisses, smiles, handshakes/high fives, or to say “I love you” or “I like you”. The rest of the things we can do by our education, training and hard work is nothing more than a coin to get the rest of the world to give us the least that their bodies can do. What a foolish economy isn’t it.

Jesus show us a far more wiser way of living when in Luke 11:41 He says “give alms of such things as ye have; and, behold, all things are clean unto you” Jesus speaking as the Creative agent that He is, tells us to give love and attention to others with what we have. What we have is what the Creator empowers us to do. Just like a car or bus has what is empowered to do, which is to carry and transport people. Human souls are empowered with all that is needed to carry and transport a personality. We therefore ought to look for the person with the best personality in order to carry and transport that great personality all over the world.

The One with the best personality is the Creator, in whose image we were made. And He calls himself Mr. Love. If we recognize that He is our Maker and we do not belong to ourselves to do what we please, but rather belong to God to represent Him and transport Him into this world, then we will give alms(care and attention) of such things as we have(the ability to carry and transport Mr. Love) and all things will NOT get to suffer any harm. God will be represented well. Your soul will do the work it was made to do and your neighbor will be encouraged to do the same.

Everything we are capable of doing, can and should most definitely be an act of loving and attending to the care of our neighbors. Our hugs and kisses should only be the frosting on the cake while our education, training and hard work should be the main ingredients in the pastries of God's love. Let, therefore, love abound. Break the vicious cycle of using your big love to get some little love and let God, who is LOVE, make everything you do, whether big or small, be a representation of Himself to the world.

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