William Shakespeare

The One chosen by the Pure One to be His Seer of

Tragedy and Triumph.

Ecclesiastes 7:14 In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.

God’s Hurricane - Tragictriumph

God has his hurricane,

his twister if you please,

 whose Name is Tragictriumph.

With it he runs the course

of all the sons of man

so that they either spin

or in it’s center gather.

This Hurricane therefore

is God’s appointed cane

 which hurries all mankind

to see that in the end

prosperity and adversity

have only been the means

by which we are kept away

from trusting in ourselves.

Throughout History God has had his prophets and His seers, who have as it were been placed outside of His Tragictriumph Hurricane even when physically they seem to be totally engrossed and caught up in it. Take the case of Daniel, working in the courts of the king, the very king that seemed to be responsible for the captivity of his own brethren - the Israelites, but whom Daniel knew him to be but an instrument in God’s hand to chastise his rebellious children in order to bring their hearts back to Him.

Daniel’s behavior displays him as having his soul dwelling in the courts of the Almighty gathering there wisdom and strength to deliver all the care and wise counsel that would be of help to Nebucadnezzer.

Those whom God calls to deliver His service to potentates or Monarchs which are resolute enemies of the faith are always exposed to the disapproval of their own people. Such was the case with William Shakespeare. While he seemed to be aloof to the religious upheaval of his time he was more effectively communicating truth to nobles and kings than all his religious contemporaries.

William Shakespeare saw that the ability and talent God had given him to be a keen observer of the hurricane of triumph and tragedy, in which all mankind from Adam until now have been trapped, could best be employ to direct the hearts and minds of those whose shoulder’s carried the burden of governing the people.

Jesus is The Word who is the Lord of the living and the dead. It is The Word - Jesus - who was in Daniel That showed Himself to be The King of Babylon and not Nebucadnezzer for Nebucadnezzer end up coming to the temple of the Lord to ask for His guidance and counsel. That temple being, of course, Daniel.

And so it was the case with The Word that Was in William Shakespeare that Jesus - The Word - continues to show Himself to be the King of all, specially in the world of the Literary Arts. For out of His William Shakespeare temple the Lord brought out so much truth about the paths of death that those who do not know Him will follow and those that know Him are most certainly delivered from them.

In conclusion was William Shakespeare a puritan? Isn’t there evidence that the Pure One(i.e. God) was in him. How could this individual, whom we know so little about his personal life, know us so well by the way in which he portrays the inmost longings of our hearts and minds upon the stage If the Pure One that enlightens all us wasn’t so brilliantly shining on him?. The facts speaks for themselves.

We seem to know so little about the personal lives of the prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and so on but the fact is that to these prophets their life was The Word - Jesus - which was given to them to proclaim and to show and act up with their physical actions in their own time and space which happens to be the Theater of God where his revelation is played out for Him and all his angels to see.

It is because William trusted on The Word and wanted to presented Him in the most appealing and exalted fashion he imagined. That The Lord has seen fit to preserve the name of William Shakespeare and his writings as the most exalted works found nowadays in the Literary world of the English language.

Report submitted by:

Zecharias E. Castro

March 1, 2003

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