The beauty of our finality

by Zecharias E. Castro

The greatest show of love we can put on display for anyone is the sacrifice of ourselves so that only the life and beauty of the one we love gets to be promoted and acknowledge.

There is a sense of this in the ancient religions when they sacrificed their virgins to their gods as a show of devotion and adoration. They chosed virgins because they were their vessels of promotion for themselves. Their virgins made it possible for their race to procreate. By sacrificing the virgin they were asserting that their god was more important and more needed than themselves.

The Creator being more needed and more important than us is a truth that cannot be denied and as such a pure, chaste and spotless gift should be given unto Him. The ancient tribes understood the importance of offering a pure and spotless gift that is why they offer their virgins. But they mistook the purity of soul which is a virgin mind and heart for that of the flesh.

The purity of a virgin mind and heart is desecrated, marred, raped and tainted the moment we entertain a sentiment or a thought that is not of God. Mankind therefore had no pure or unblemished gift to offer God until God Himself provided that gift on our behalf through the giving up of His Son to die for us.

Now in Christ we are declare righteous once again so that the sacrifice of denying ourselves in order that His will alone gets done is not only reasonable but is to us our joy for living.

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