by Zecharias E. Castro


I am the way, the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me.

John 14:6

Christ, The 2nd Adam, in his 2nd temptation of Satan in the wilderness, enticing Him to proclaim the Parental factor i.e. The P-factor promotion on behalf of creation instead of the Creator, was triumphantly victorious. Satan wanted Jesus to claim from the scriptures protection and safety from creation that’s Satans P-factor promotion i.e. “CREATION CAN TAKE GOOD CARE OF ME”.

Jesus stay true to the only real P-factor promotion i.e. “GOD IS THE CARE OF ALL THINGS”. He answered, as the protection and redemption that He was from God for His chosen children, “thou shalt not tempt the Lord Thy God” meaning God’s word is not given for us to put it to the test but for us to trust it to be the way God wants to live His life while He is in us.

Jesus therefore taught us that is better to be protecting creation than to be protected by creation, the first one is enjoying the free-flow of God through his soul while the 2nd one has not yet grown from depending on creation to be his help and shield.

In the 1st temptation Jesus overcame, he taught us is better to bring provisions or be a provision to the world than for the world to bring provisions or be a provision to us. All of us were made by the Father through his Creative Agent - THE WORD - therefore we live to uphold the main characteristics of the P-factor promotion: PROVISIONS, PROTECTION & PRODUCTION.