THE Controlling Euphoria Of Souls

By Zecharias E. Castro - Part 3

Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God (i.e the System or Government God runs) is within you.

Ephesians 3:18 ... comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height.

The C.E.O.S.(i.e. Chief Execution or Exercise Of Souls) is to have the LOVE FOR ALL THINGS. And the reason why we love the invisible things kept in the soul by THE WORD, is for us to accomplish what we were made to do - have our hearts and minds eager to expand as they follow the instructions of a spirit or simply put for the C.E.O.S.(i.e. Constant Expansion Of Spirit).

As we do the Constant Expansion Of Spirit for the sake of The Word residing within our souls, we experience a sense of well-being. This sense of well being for the soul is the Controlling Euphoria Of Souls. And this Euphoria can be felt in the Spirit of God or it can be induced by the spirit of this age.

God’s perfect body for revealing himself to creation is His Word. His Son(i.e. the complete and wholesome body of revelation) is the only wholesome body God has to make Himself be known unto us. His desire(i.e. God the Father’s) is to keep His body of revelation(i.e. The Word His Son) in perfect health to transmit His thoughts and concerns unto this world.

The Holy Spirit is the only One that has and forever will have the full orientation of deity for the Word. This full orientation of deity keeps The Word found in any soul executing or exercising the healthy and wholesome confession of God. The souls in the Holy Spirit get to experience this natural joy and constant euphoria God the Father has in seeing His Son in us healthily executing a wholesome confession of who He is.

All the spirit of this age can do for the Word(i.e. God’s body of revelation) is to keep Him lacking and in a wanton confession by offering to our souls his doctrinal reprogramming undermining god’s son to keep our souls doing deadly replacements usurping god’s son. The souls in the spirit of this age are seduced into thinking that the joy and delight Satan feels in usurping God is the right sense of euphoria for them to have as he sees to it that God’s Son - The Word in them, is naked, bound, imprisoned, and helpless to express a wholesome confession of who God is.

A wholesome nutritious and well-balanced diet gives you a sense of well-being which agrees with the health your body is experiencing. But is amazing how drugs give people a sense of euphoria while in reality they are only destroying their bodies. God’s body of revelation entrusted to humans to express Him and to maintain healthy for a wholesome confession can easily be ill-treated and ruined as we gladly use it to express our wantonness because in our blindness Satan’s joy and delight for usurping God can be easily mistaken for the Controlling Euphoria Of Souls