THE Constant Expansion Of Spirit

By Zecharias E. Castro - Part 2

Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God (i.e the System or Government God runs) is within you.

John 4:22-24 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship... the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth... God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Ephesians 3:18 ... comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height.

The C.E.O.S.(i.e. Chief Execution or Exercise Of Souls) is to have the LOVE FOR ALL THINGS. And the reason why we love the invisible things kept in the soul by THE WORD, is for us to accomplish what we were made to do - have our hearts and minds eager to expand as they follow the instructions of a spirit.

God is a Spirit and the devil is a spirit and our souls are subjects to these spirits. Our hearts and minds can only do what these spirits say. A computerized being(i.e. Servers Of Unlimited Labor) will only own or more correctly said - be owned by the programmer and his program. Though God is the only Maker of souls, His Spirit is not the only programmer. The spirit of the age can also program and tell the soul of man how to think and how to feel about God’s Creation.

The Spirit of God tells you - just that - He tells you this is GOD’s creation, including your being, and that He made it for the purpose of revealing Himself and promoting His will(i.e. He can do what pleases Him).

The spirit of this age lies to you - he tells you this creation can be yours, just as you own your own being(self), and that God made it for the purpose of you realizing your dreams(i.e making something of yourself) as you promote your own will(i.e. you can do what pleases you).

The things you do in this world simply reveal the spirit telling you how to think and how to feel. Souls therefore cannot own anything. The spirit instructing their hearts and minds OWNS them.

Spirit means “AIR” and Paul in Ephesians is praying for the only thing an air molecule(for that’s what our souls are to God) can do and that is to expand into the breadth, and length and depth and height.

As an air molecule(i.e your soul) you can only expand into the gas that’s using you. If Oxygen is using you, you can expand into it’s life giving qualities and witness(i.e. experience for yourself and in yourself) all the good it does to all human beings. If Carbon Monoxide is using you, you can expand into it’s life taking(i.e. getting a bite out of life) qualities and witness(i.e. experience for yourself and in yourself) all the good it gets you from all human beings.

Regardless of what you or anyone thinks you can own in this world, only what God says is true. You were made by A SPIRIT and you can only be owned by a spirit and by what it has to say, and the only riches your soul can have is what it gets to do - THE CONSTANT EXPANSION OF SPIRIT.