THE Chief Execution Of Souls

By Zecharias E. Castro - Part 1

Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God (i.e the System or Government God runs) is within you.

The C.E.O.S.(i.e. Chief Execution or Exercise Of Souls) is to have the LOVE FOR ALL THINGS. Before we proceed, let me halt your thinking to explain to you what I've undertood God to mean by “THINGS”.

Since Love is found in the soul, love can only have for its possessions what can be kept treasured up and secured within the soul.

All the work of man(i.e. his “advancement” in technology) has brought him to the place where he is now ready to show his greatest accomplishment - a cyborg - a robot or a clone made in his own likeness. As robots or clones are fashioned after the likeness of man we are gonna want them to be Servers Of Unlimited Labor.

The only reason why we are making them is for them to have pleasure in doing(i.e. running) everything for us as faithful stewards managing all our affairs and concerns without wanting any of those things for themselves.

The only things we are going to want them(i.e. the cyborgs and clones) to keep and guard very carefully within the core of their beings is the commands, guidelines and instructions telling them to be happy and extremely delighted to serve us.

Any program, concept or command telling these man-made creatures to be pleased and extremely delighted to serve themselves and their wants, would be consider a virus to be exterminated or altogether eliminated and the propagator of that virus would be considered the worst criminal and terrorist against mankind.

We will assert and boldly proclaim the only ones allowed to be pleased to serve themselves and do what they want are humans and not the humanoids and any cyborg contaminated with our thinking would have to be driven off of the face of humanity to be reprogrammed and reprocessed or altogether annihilated if the contamination is beyond repair.

Man in making Servers Of Unlimited Labor and entrusting them to run his affairs and concerns would have to set up a government whose primarily function would be to watch and control the system running within his greatest accomplishment.

Man thinks he is getting away from God but he can only imitate what God has already accomplished when He made us.

The soul, therefore, can only treasure and have love for these things: ideas, concepts, precepts, commands, concerns, ambitions, desires, longings, aspirations - things kept stored in our hearts and minds brought there and managed by The Word which we receive while we live in this world. When we, therefore, act and react to the world for what’s happening to us, we simply are just showing off the concerns, attitudes, ambitions and desires we love to treasure and keep in our hearts and minds.