The Wonder Worship


The Worry Worship

by Zecharias E. Castro - PART ONE

God made us for Wholeheartedly Obtaining Nourishing Delights Expressing Reality With Overwhelming Reverence Seeing His Intelligent Provisions but in the garden the serpent taught us With Other Realities Relieved Yourself While Obtaining Rapidly Services Humanity Is Providing.

We were appointed to gleefully reveal all Christ expresses. And not appointed to willingly reveal all that’s human. As if humanity had anything of it’s own merit. Humanity is also God’s for His promotion.

Only God is good, useful, tender, kind, generous, angry, wrathful, jealous, vengeful, etc, etc, and his creatures get to reveal what God is and what He has. Man is nothing but a creature made in His image who can perceive and project thoughts and feelings. Just because man can perceive and project thoughts and feelings to express his limited will upon God’s creation does not entitle him to live to promote himself.

It is the desire of the serpent to appropriate for the creature the status, honor, respect and recognition belonging to the Creator. In order to do this he uses the external side of creation to create a kingdom of destroying and doing away with everything by confusing and mismatching the proper use of every element upon creation.

The only real fluid that belongs in the fuel tank of any vehicle is gasoline. With gasoline the vehicle can start it’s engine and provide the benefit of transporting the driver any where he wants to go. You can misuse or mismatched the fuel tank with other fluids such as water, oil or even a soft drink but those are not the real fluids for which the gas tank was created. Only gasoline is the real fluid that belongs in a fuel tank..

The Spirit of God is the only real voice our hearts were meant to be hearing. By hearing the Spirit of God The Word of God in us can drive our souls to experience all the different thoughts, concerns and desires God has. Other voices can speak to our hearts like the voice of the spirit of this age. But the word in us can not drive any soul that is not being fueled by the voice of God’s Spirit to experience the mind, heart and will of God. He that hath not the Spirit of God is none of his.